VeeNiz Pole

VeeNiz is an LA based pole instructor, mother and wife. When she’s not dancing she is an advocate for foster youth and works to educate the world about Vitiligo (a skin disorder she has that results in the loss of pigment).

In 2004 after a major accident at work left Venus unable to continue in martial arts, her first love, she was depressed and diirectionless. Not long after a friend introduced her to the then new fitness/movement trend: “The Art of Seduction”. Her training and love of dance continued to evolved and she found the world of pole and aerial. Over the last 10 years she has utilized a mixture of strength, grace and sensuality to teach, compete, and perform all over the world. She has performed in multiple Kelly Maglia productions, LeighAnn Riley’s “Pole Show LA,” and was a teacher and cast member with Kelly Yvonne’s award winning studio and pole show, “Girl Next Door”.

Her recent awards come with great pride and tenacity as she was told after a major pole accident that she would never “fly,” again. Defying the odds in 2017 she came back after a 2 year hiatus to win 1st Place in the Pacific Pole Championships as well as Pole Theatre USA’s Drama Division.

Her passion is using pole dance as a platform for storytelling to highlight social issues such as breast cancer and domestic violence.